Monday 9th September 2019IIMS Annual Conference, AGM and Dinner
Peter Broad and Sandra Grimes attended the IIMS Annual Conference, AGM and Dinner in London in June. The conference, as always, had some excellent speakers with hugely diverse knowledge, across so many interesting subjects related to ‘Marine Surveying’. A great event for networking and meeting old friends. Peter hosted a table, for Broadreach Marine, at the excellent dinner, held in the lovely setting of the British Academy. Congratulations to Mike and the Team at IIMS for your continued professionalism and helping to set the international standards and qualifications for Non-IACS Marine Surveying.
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Peter has been re-elected to the Management Board, after a few years away from direct involvement with IIMS. Peter is also the In-Country-Representative in Korea for IIMS and covering the Asia region.
We look forward to continuing our Corporate Membership of IIMS and supporting the continued development of our Institute and our Members.